Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Post Partum Depression Video

Here is a link to a video about post partum depression from Kathleen Kendall-Tackett's website.  Please take the time to watch it.  If you are concerned about how you are feeling emotionally, don't discount your feelings.  Being a new mother is a major life changing event!  Not only that, if you had a difficult or traumatic delivery, or if it just didn't go the way you had dreamed, that can also add to the emotional struggles a new mother has.  

New mothers are often so busy, that they don't take time to take care of themselves.  We know that it is very important that a mother be emotionally engaged and available for her baby--not just taking care of physical needs.  So, if you have any concern about  feeling depressed, don't delay calling your OB/Gyne or other health care giver.  If you are having irrational thoughts of wanting to hurt yourself or your baby, call 911 right away.  Get the help you need.

Crisis Hotline for post partum depression:  1-866-364-6667