Friday, April 10, 2009

Breastfeeding Resources
Compiled by Kathleen L. Gale RN, CLS

Here are some resources that may be of help to you!
Latch Video
as well as lots of information on different positions, breast-feeding stages, dad’s involvement.

Hands on Pumping

Newborn care

Your Baby’s Physical Development <>

Post partum Depression

Crisis Hotline for post partum depression 1.866.364(.MOMS 866.364.6667).

Laleche League International

Breast feeding and parenting

Breastfeeding after Reduction (or other breast surgeries)

Looking at Your Newborn—What’s Normal?

Compounding Pharmacies: (for APNO ointment-all purpose nipple ointment)
Parkway Drugs 2342 N. Clark St., Chicago 773-549-2720
Ballin Pharmacy 3330 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago 773-348-0027

Sacral Cranial Therapy for Infants:
Dr. Sean Mannin of "Well Adjusted World" in Oak Park, IL

Physicians that do clipping for “Tongue Tie” at Children’s Memorial Hospital
Dr. Marletta Reynolds 773-880-4292
Dr. Brant Giessler 847-390-0330
copyright, K.Gale, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here's a picture of my sweet grandbaby and my son! They live a long ways away from us, so I have to get time with other peoples babies!
It's a marvel to see the next generation starting their own families!
If you have grandparents nearby, make sure you accept any help they are willing to give you, and give them the opportunity and joy to be involved in their grandchild's life. Of course, you have to set reasonable boundaries....but you know what I mean!

Myth: Breastfeeding is "natural" and easy

Many people think that since breastfeeding is a "natural" thing to do, that it should be easy. New mothers and fathers are often shocked when they find out that it doesn't just come "naturally", and they're struggling along to make it work. Breastfeeding is a
learned behavior by both mother and baby. In contrast to the past, today, in our country, most new mother's do not have aunts, sisters, and mothers surrounding them in an extended family to offer help when breastfeeding isn't going well. If you do have them around, it is very likely that they bottle fed their babies and don't have experience with breastfeeding.

If you find yourself in a difficult breastfeeding situation, you are not alone! The best thing you could do for yourself, your baby, and your family, is to get the help you need. Sometimes LaLeche League or a friend who is experienced at breatfeeding is all you need. At other times, you need to recognize the need for a professional lactation consultant. Yes, it costs money....but it is money that will be well spent, and make a huge difference. It is money that will save you lots of dollars on formula and visits to the doctor. Do yourself a favor. You ARE worth it!

When I had my first child, I had some of the most miserable 8 weeks of my life. I was too cheap to pay for a lactation consultant. I knew I needed help, and would call and talk over the phone, but never spent the money to have one come and help me. I had mastitis 5 times in 8 weeks. Eventually, a doctor told me I had to stop breastfeeding. To tell the truth, I was never so relieved. As a mother, I wanted the very best for my baby, and was willing to do whatever it took to give her the benefits of breast milk...but it was making me constantly sick.

Now, I know a whole lot more! In hind sight, I recognize many things that were not done right, and many things that I could have done to help the situation. I would like to be able to share my experience and knowledge in a way that can help you reach your breastfeeding goals.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why Breast Is Best!

Breast milk provides perfect nutrition for your baby, as well as customized health protection that supports his developing immune system. These things are especially true for exclusive breast feeding and increase with the increased length of time the baby is breastfed. The protection is geared for their particular environment—both in terms of infection and allergy protection. Because of its “packaging”, breast milk is always fresh, never spoiled, the correct temperature, and has the perfect ingredients. The content of the milk changes according to the baby’s age and needs. The benefits are not just for the baby, but for mommy, too!

Benefits for Baby
  • Life long disease protection from bacteria, viruses
  • Increased attentiveness, crawl and walk sooner, earlier language development.
  • Greater intelligence and increased neuromotor ruses, allergy, and protozoa
  • 22% decrease in infant mortality rate of those breast fed within the first hour of birth (Edmond, Pediatrics 2006)
  • If immediately after birth, baby is colonized with mother’s bacteria instead of “hospital” bacteria
  • Skin to skin regulates heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, blood sugar
  • Protects against childhood cancers (lower incidence)
  • When grown up, reduces rate of female breast cancer
  • Reduces risk of chronic and autoimmune diseases including: Crohn’s, juvenile diabetes, diabetes II, juvenile arthritis, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, childhood and adult obesity
  • Less sleep disordered breathing
  • Less bedwetting, anxiety disorders
  • Increased social skills
  • Fewer orthodontic problems
  • 19% decrease in otitls media if br. fd. one year
  • Milk contains specific antibodies to germs mother is exposed to
  • Breast milk contains thyroid hormones
  • Decreased incidence of SIDS if b.f. at least 16 wks
  • Colostrum—promotes gut closure
    Seals gut lining to prevent adherence of pathogens
    Laxative effect clears meconium
    Comes in small amounts for ease while infant
    Learns to coordinate suck, swallow, breathe
    Has immunoglobulines
    Establishes bifidus flora

Benefits for Mother

- Greater mother-infant bonding

- Decrease incidence of cancer of uterus, endometrium, breast, and ovaries

- Decreased incidence of Type II Diabetes

- Decreased incidence of post partum blood loss

- Better emotional health

- Decreased insulin (which is good)

- Decreased osteoporosis

- Psychoneuroimmunological benefit

- Decreased heart rate

- Decreased cortisone level from stressors

- Increased sexual motivation

- Better parent child relationship when older

- Increased attachment and caring behaviors

- Decrease in overprotective behavior

- Optimal child spacing (due to natural birth control)

- Decrease in health care costs

- Decreased absenteeism from work due to infant illness

- Save over $2000 per year for formula

- Convenience

- The joy of providing what only you can provide for your baby
- Time to fall in love with baby
- Time to be still
- Time to do one of the most important things you will ever do!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Welcome to The Baby Cafe!

Are you a breastfeeding mother? If you have chosen to breastfeed, you probably know that the American Academy of Pediatrics is a staunch supporter breastfeeding. Breastfeeding provides a myriad of benefits for the health and well being of both you and your baby! Unfortunately, breastfeeding does not always go as smoothly as expected.

I am an RN and Certified Lactation Specialist with years of experience working with moms and babies. Let me help you through the rough spots and empower you to meet your breastfeeding goals. It is my privilege and joy to work with young families. I want to help you experience the success that will allow you to enjoy this very special time in your life!


  • Lactation Consultations

  • Home or hospital visits for maternal or infant issues.

  • My visits include mother/baby assessment, breastfeeding assessment and assistance with various positions and latch. I can help with just about any issues--engorgement, sore nipples, plugged ducts, breast refusal, jaundice, reflux, weaning, tongue tie or thrush. I can help you know how much milk your baby is getting by doing before and after feeding weights. I teach you how to recognize early hunger cues and how to know if your baby is getting enough. I can work with adoptive parents as well.

  • Prenatal assessments for mothers with previous breastfeeding difficulties or breast surgeries etc.

  • Pumps for rental or purchase

  • Other breastfeeding supplies for your convenience

  • Fussy Baby soothing techniques

  • Private or group classes: Prenatal breast feeding class, Breastfeeding your newborn, The Amazing Benefits of Breastfeeding for You and Your Baby, Soothing Techniques, Going Back to Work, Newborn Care.

  • Information on maternal medication safety for your baby during lactation

    These are just some of the issues that I can help with. My visits include a timely report to your physician, and a follow-up phone call within 24 to 48 hours. My clients can continue to call me as needed, or they may request repeat visits.

    I am paid at the time of service and will provide you with a superbill / receipt, which you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Sliding scale fees are available. Request a doctor’s order from your physician to submit with your claim.

    Remember, getting help sooner is better than later! Then you can reap the many long-term benefits for both you and your baby!