Why Breast Is Best!
Breast milk provides perfect nutrition for your baby, as well as customized health protection that supports his developing immune system. These things are especially true for exclusive breast feeding and increase with the increased length of time the baby is breastfed. The protection is geared for their particular environment—both in terms of infection and allergy protection. Because of its “packaging”, breast milk is always fresh, never spoiled, the correct temperature, and has the perfect ingredients. The content of the milk changes according to the baby’s age and needs. The benefits are not just for the baby, but for mommy, too!
Breast milk provides perfect nutrition for your baby, as well as customized health protection that supports his developing immune system. These things are especially true for exclusive breast feeding and increase with the increased length of time the baby is breastfed. The protection is geared for their particular environment—both in terms of infection and allergy protection. Because of its “packaging”, breast milk is always fresh, never spoiled, the correct temperature, and has the perfect ingredients. The content of the milk changes according to the baby’s age and needs. The benefits are not just for the baby, but for mommy, too!
Benefits for Baby
- Life long disease protection from bacteria, viruses
- Increased attentiveness, crawl and walk sooner, earlier language development.
- Greater intelligence and increased neuromotor ruses, allergy, and protozoa
- 22% decrease in infant mortality rate of those breast fed within the first hour of birth (Edmond, Pediatrics 2006)
- If immediately after birth, baby is colonized with mother’s bacteria instead of “hospital” bacteria
- Skin to skin regulates heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, blood sugar
- Protects against childhood cancers (lower incidence)
- When grown up, reduces rate of female breast cancer
- Reduces risk of chronic and autoimmune diseases including: Crohn’s, juvenile diabetes, diabetes II, juvenile arthritis, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, childhood and adult obesity
- Less sleep disordered breathing
- Less bedwetting, anxiety disorders
- Increased social skills
- Fewer orthodontic problems
- 19% decrease in otitls media if br. fd. one year
- Milk contains specific antibodies to germs mother is exposed to
- Breast milk contains thyroid hormones
- Decreased incidence of SIDS if b.f. at least 16 wks
- Colostrum—promotes gut closure
Seals gut lining to prevent adherence of pathogens
Laxative effect clears meconium
Comes in small amounts for ease while infant
Learns to coordinate suck, swallow, breathe
Has immunoglobulines
Establishes bifidus flora
Benefits for Mother
- Greater mother-infant bonding
- Decrease incidence of cancer of uterus, endometrium, breast, and ovaries
- Decreased incidence of Type II Diabetes
- Decreased incidence of post partum blood loss
- Better emotional health
- Decreased insulin (which is good)
- Decreased osteoporosis
- Psychoneuroimmunological benefit
- Decreased heart rate
- Decreased cortisone level from stressors
- Increased sexual motivation
- Better parent child relationship when older
- Increased attachment and caring behaviors
- Decrease in overprotective behavior
- Optimal child spacing (due to natural birth control)
- Decrease in health care costs
- Decreased absenteeism from work due to infant illness
- Save over $2000 per year for formula
- Convenience
- The joy of providing what only you can provide for your baby
- The joy of providing what only you can provide for your baby
- Time to fall in love with baby
- Time to be still
- Time to do one of the most important things you will ever do!
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